Anyone with a condition such as hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, asthma, chronic lung problems, heart disease (previous stroke or heart attack), underactive thyroid or epilepsy are required to attend the medical centre on a regular basis (as discussed with your healthcare professional) to have any checks and investigations for you carried out.
Most checks for conditions are carried out on once a year to check that your symptoms are under control and you do not have any problems with your medication.
We will send you pre-check questionnaires and links to book an appointment to have your annual review blood tests-please make sure you return completed questionnaires. After you have had the blood tests and competed the questionnaire, we will offer you an appointment for a check with our term dedicated to long term care checks. Timing of your checks is based on when you had your previous check, because we would like to ensure you have a check every year.
if you would like us to arrange your check before we invite you for one, please feel free to contact us, letting us know your availability we will send you pre-check questionnaire and arrange blood tests for review, and book in your check earlier.
It is very important to keep these appointments when they are arranged, please notify us if you cannot attend and rebook your appointment.
You need to bring all your medications with you at the time of your appointment.