Making the best use of our surgery

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We aim to try and have enough appointments for all patients who want to ask us about routine care in the morning. This is no mean feat and depending on demand usually by 11am all routine appointments may be gone. We track the number of patients we help on a daily basis and this has increased by 40% over the last 2 years. We are also looking to balance face to face appointments and telephone appointments so you get the appointment you need. We will do our best to ask you what you prefer and do our best to meet your expectations.

Please do your bit – don’t miss your appointments with us – these are limited and the more you miss the less chance there is for us to meet the needs of our population.

Unfortunately – appointments are not unlimited – but we will do our best to meet your needs. If you problems are relatively straight forward or minor we do ask that you consider other services, community pharmacies can help people with many conditions and ailments – these include: aches and pains, sore throat, coughs and colds, flu, earache, cystitis, hay fever, red eyes.

Please see NHS advice here:

There are special services for eye problems that are then to help you when you have minor eye problems, details of these services are here:

Minor Eye Conditions Service | Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (

We have a huge medical workforce – Doctors, Trainee Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, Paramedics as well as health coaches and physiotherapists to help you, but even with this huge team appointments will get to a point where their appointments are full up and on that day we can only then deal with emergencies. We need to protect appointments on future days – as if we fill these appointments up – then this will only create a problem on future days. The exception to this is procedures – such as blood test, cervical cytology (smears), dressings and injections (childhood, b12 etc) – which can be booked in advance, hopefully to your convenience. We also need to ensure we have enough medical support for proactive care such as chronic disease checks, changes to medications, supporting people to come off medication. The art of General Practice is the balance between reactive care and proactive care.